S1E19 -Expository Lessons from the Book of Romans (Part 19) - Romans 11
Lesson from Sunday October 1, 2023

Lesson from Sunday October 1, 2023
The Book of Romans Lesson 19 SHBC Cordes SS Class Israel's Rejection Is Neither Complete or Final
Romans 11 Introduction: Any serious student of the Bible must concern himself with the story of Israel? Biblically, it is a story that begins in Genesis and continues throughout scripture. From an anthropological view the story begins in a unique way with the calling of a single, insignificant man who follows God and is blessed. Historically, the story of Israel is one of rise and fall, captivity, genocide & restoration. Prophetically, the story is not yet complete. Israel is the nation for which God still has a plan. Paul makes these things clear in Romans chapters 9, 10 & 11. Paul’s opening sentence in chapter 11 let’s the reader know that despite appearance, God isn’t finished with the nation of Israel.
- Israel’s rejection was not total. 1-10 1. Paul is proof that not all of Israel is lost. 2. God has preserved a remnant. 3. The remnant is preserved by grace. 4. Israel did not find what it sought, the Messiah.
- The elect found the messiah by grace.
- Those holding to the law (works) are blinded.
- Those who have ears to hear . . . Matt. 11:1-19
Elijah, John the Baptist & Jesus were rejected
Israel’s rejection is not final. 11-36 1. The fall of the Jew created the fulness of the Gentile. 2. Paul was called to the gentile 3. The gentile is “grafted” in because of the fall. 4. God’s goodness is revealed through grafting. 5. God’s severity is also revealed through cutting off.
- Israel will be saved according to the prophecies. 1. All were committed to disobedience. 2. All will be shown mercy. 3. God’s Will, will be done. 33-36
Conclusion: The salvation of the Gentile is at hand. However, God has a future plan for the nation of Israel. So, how should we as believers respond? What should we do? Are we to ignore the Jew? Are we to usher in a plan for the Jew? Do the promises given in Gen 12:3 & Acts 3:25 still apply? As Francis Schaffer said it, How Should We Then Live? Class, what do you think?
Looking Ahead: How to Live the Christian Life (Christianity for Dummies) Romans 12
- Living Sacrifices
- Serving God with Spiritual Gifts
- Behave Like a Christian
Romans 13
- Submission to government
- Loving our neighbor
- Put on Christ
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