S1E15 -Expository Lessons from the Book of Romans (Part 15) - Romans 8:24-30
Lesson from Sunday September 3, 2023

Lesson from Sunday September 3, 2023
The Book of Romans Lesson 15 SHBC Cordes SS Class
Hope, Prayer & Predestination ** Romans 8:24 - 30 Introduction**: The Book of Hebrews teaches us that our “faith is the substance of things hoped for . . . “ This morning our lesson from Romans will open with Paul reminding us that we are “saved in this hope . . . '' Following that discussion we will turn our attention to God’s remarkable plan for our prayers and how He intercedes. Lastly, if time permits, we will take a look at what Romans 8 has to say about predestination.
A. Hope: Elpis (G1680) In the christian sense a joyful and confident expectation. B. The hope is not yet revealed. C. One maintains hope with perseverance: steadfastness, endurance, constancy.
- Dwell on God in the past.
- Dwell on God in the present
- Hope on God in the future.
A. While we hope, the Spirit helps B. We are illiterate in prayer. C. The Spirit translates & delivers our prayers. D. The Son, (Rev 2:23) makes intercession to the Father. E. The believer’s genuine prayer is precious to God. (Ja 5;16) (Randy Alcorn Article) F. The believer must focus on developing a Genuine Prayer Life. G. Is it any wonder that things must “work together for good”
III. His Predestination 29-30 A. His predestination is founded upon HIs foreknowledge. B. Those predestined are conformed to HIs image. C. Those predestined were both called & justified. D. Those who are justified are glorified.
Conclusion: Hope in Christ is sure though unseen. Prayer works in heaven far beyond our reach. Predestination will never be fully comprehended in this finite world. However, God works above and beyond our ability to understand. We are called to “Live by faith” and to “walk in the Spirit”. Ours is not a blind or ignorant faith. Jesus used the example of the wind. It blows where it will and goes where it wants. We don’t see it or even fully understand it. However, we hear it, we feel it and even see its effects on our world. The same is true with the truths of God. We are not left to trust in a distant or unfeeling God. His evidence surrounds us. His Word endures and proclaims HIs truth through the ages.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. -Proverbs 3:5&6